THRIFT FLIP : How‐to make a bucket hat from scratch | elooquence

Hello and welcome to my first ever thrift flip !
Hope your having a good day .
Your reading  elooquence and this is bhuvana , as you read by the title of this post today were gonna be making a "bucket hat" from scratch .

So here is the list of materials you'll need :
 1. Pattern template 
 2 . Pair of scissors 
 3 . A old pair of Jeans 
 4 . A sewing machine or hand sewing skills 

                            This post is just to share my tips and steps I've performed during the process {this is not a detailed tutorial}
Here are 3 steps you'll need to perform : 

Step 1 : 
Before making a bucket hat pattern is one crucial thing to have , as I couldn't access the printer I made my own pattern from the images on google 
Here are the patterns I made ( if you cant find the patterns checkout "the essential club" on youtube she has a pattern linked in description ) 

Step 2 : 
Using the pattern templates , cutout the required pieces from the pants ( the ones I made have seen allowance included ) also make sure to leave seem allowance for the seem . After you cutout the pieces head on to the next step 

Step 3 : 
For this step you'll need some sewing skills which I definitely don't have so my mom helped out with the stitching part and yeah your hat is ready 

Tips : 
These are the very few tips I would recommend as this is the first time I've made a bucket hat ( with help*)
As this was a learning process here are things  I learnt from the process . Make sure to read them to avoid mistakes 

1. Don;t forget to leave seem allowance (SA)

2. Add details 

3. Use dark colored thread 
( as I used black material I've used white thread the same implies with you if your using a light color use a dark thread and if you're using a dark color use a light thread I really don't know if that made sense ? )

The end result : 

Thanks for reading hope this atleast gave you an idea of how to make a bucket hat !! 

Stay safe xo 
By bhuvana
- Elooquence 


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its all about friendly conversation here at this site :) i'd love to hear you thoughts ! be sure to check back again cause i will do reply to your comments , lots of love - bhuvana xo